Genesis of 
The project, " " appeared to Régis during a meditation. On November 2nd, 2015, he had a vision of a giant crate with three compartments filled with incomprehensible squares and cubes. He looked for titles to understand what he had drawn, without success. The next day, November 3rd, during a second meditation, the title was revealed: dessine-moi un mouton - "draw me a sheep". He suddenly understood his sketch.
Régis then felt the imperative need to convey Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's humanist message, a message with which he had been unconsciously imbued since his childhood. The writer, the man and the aviator have always fascinated Régis as he feels they share similar aspirations. And like many people all over the world, Régis identified with the Little Prince who, like him, had traveled all over the world. Passionate about aviation, Régis joined the Air Force for two years in hopes of becoming a pilot. However, at the end of these two years, he decided against committing to a full five years as he feared he would lose all freedom. Régis also had the friendship of a fox. This fox, Foxy, was tamed, answered to his name when Régis called him, and lived for 5 years next to Régis in his small cabin in Cuesta Blanca, a small hamlet in the countryside of Cordoba in Argentina. Much like Saint-Exupéry's, Régis is "quite naturally" in love with human life.
At times the similarities appear in even the smallest gestures. When Régis lived in New York he felt great joy in feeding the squirrels of Central Park, a joy that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry also experienced in the same place, at another time. This was revealed to him by Martine Saint-Martin, Midi-Pyrénées delegate from the Espace Fondation Saint-Exupéry.
Upon reflection, it has become clear to Régis that this influence has shown in his creative work from the very beginning. For instance, his glass sculpture, "Itaï doshin" which in Japanese means "different by body, one in spirit,” represents a fused multi-layer heart. Another work, entitled, “Nèg'marron,” evokes slavery, a theme addressed in Terre des hommes — Earth “Wind Sand and Stars.” Through the figure of Bark, an old black captive whom Antoine de Saint-Exupéry freed from his state of slavery, and "Zenchishiki", the loyal good friend.
is meant to echo this essential message for humanity : "Basically there is one and only one problem on earth: how to bring spiritual meaning back to humanity, how to raise awareness of the spirit. It is necessary for humanity to be nourished from above and this should descend upon it somewhat like Gregorian chant. We can no longer continue to live our lives by dealing only w th refrigerators, politics, the balancing of budgets and crosswords. We can no longer progress in this way. »
Why did this creation seem fundamental to Régis today? Because humankind continues to lose its humanity and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's wisdom can be regenerated through this work.
Yannick Dabrowski, writer